AmGCHS/CanGCH C's Envi Mi Rookie Of The Year NS CA "Reggie"

Reggie has been an amazing addition to our household. He is a great all-around dog - easy to live with, loves to do everything and hasn't met a human or dog that he didn't like. Reggie had quite the show career before coming to Canada. he quickly finished his American championship before he was 9 months old and then went on to campaign for a year with a highlight of winning the American National Top 20 before he turned 2 years old.
Once in Canada he quickly obtained his Canadian championship and then went on to try out some performance venues to add on more titles. Once he was a "Veteran" of 7 years old he went back to his first love of the show ring and quickly won a number of Best Veteran in Show awards. The next summer he traveled to the 2022 Canadian Miniature Pinscher National Specialty where he was awarded Best in Specialty/Best Veteran in Specialty at 8 years old. He finished 2022 as the number 4 Min Pin in Canada.
Reggie is fully health tested (as recommended by the MPCA) and has obtained his OFA CHIC number. His full results can be viewed on the OFA website. He is available at stud to approved females.